Starting Each Day the Right Way

Jews measure time differently from most communities. Our year is measured as if from creation, and each day begins at night. As my father says when telling you the date, “it is all day and half the night.” True enough. … Continued

Starting From Page Two

One of the most unique elements of Judaism is the printed record of discussions of the rabbis on matter of Jewish law and life known as the Talmud. Compiled around 200 CE, this highly stylized, multi-volume text touches on every … Continued

P@st and Present

Jewish tradition teaches, in the book of Ecclesiastes, that there is “Nothing new under the sun” (1:9) This seems especially true in ancient times, where the pace of change was much slower and it was easier to assume that each … Continued

Transforming A Symbol of Hate

Recently, the Anti-Defimation League (ADL) downgraded the swastika from a specifically anti-Semitic symbol, to one that would still be considered hateful, but not necessarily directed against Jews. This move seems based on research and experience monitoring hate groups of all … Continued

Tree of Life

At my last visit to the 9/11 memorial, I gained a new understanding of a very common Jewish idea: the tree of life. I was in New York leading the Temple of Aaron 10th grade confirmation students on their trip … Continued

What Belongs to Us?

The power of the holiday of Sukkot comes primarily from the physical structure of the Sukkah. A temporary dwelling, deliberately built with a roof that lets in light and rain, it’s purpose is to remind us of the inherent fragility … Continued

Happy Pencils

Over these past High Holidays, among many stories I told, the one about Mr. Goldberg and his amazing pencils garnered the most interest. Many have asked for a copy of this tale of a town that uses only pencils, and … Continued

Come Back Home

This year, come back home to synagogue services, especially if you don’t want to. Over the past several months, I received many calls from members of the congregation telling me that while they feel connected to their Judaism and value … Continued

Acts Which Make Us Heroes

We are all moved by the 19 firefighters who died in Arizona fighting a wildfire. They are being deeply mourned by their city and the nation, and our prayers go out to them. As members of the elite firefighting team, … Continued

True Thankfulness

A recent story in the St. Paul Pioneer Press caught my eye for the way it represents the doing of good deeds without expectation of reward. It is more than understandable to want to be thanked for the good deeds … Continued